Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through Christian values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544

Welcome to Year 3



Hello Parents & Carers! Welcome to Year 3. 

 Our teacher in Year 3 is Miss Walker and our teaching assistants are Mrs Valente and Mrs Haigh.

We have an exciting year full of enriched learning opportunities planned and can't wait to share this with yourselves and the children! 

Our PE days for this year are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please check out our page regularly as it will be updated with all the activities we have been up to in class! 


Long term plan  Newsletters Letters to parents Home learning


Outdoor Learning Day

Our outdoor learning day was linked to this terms Geography subject 'Extreme Earth'. In the morning, the children learnt all about how a volcano is made and all the different elements to it. In the afternoon we created an exciting experiment. We mixed; water, vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and food colouring to create a volcanic EXPLOSION! 

Geography - Extreme Earth

This half term the children have been learning all about 'Extreme Earth'. We used playdough to demonstrate the layers of the Earth. We rolled a ball to make the inner core. Then, wrapped layers of different colours around the centre to create the outer core, mantle and crust. Lastly, we cut the Earth in half to reveal and label the layers.


September 2024

 Our annual pilgrimage did not disappoint this year as the children had a fantastic time walking to the Hindu Temple. Not only did they learn so much about their heritage on their way to the temple, but also were able to immerse themselves in another culture. Well done, Year 3!

Outdoor Learning Day

September 2024

The torrential weather did not stop us having a fantastic time on our outdoor learning day. The children started off playing some games and completing an Autumn treasure hunt in the woodland area. They then gathered natural resources and created story boards to retell the story of KrindleKrax! We then used the resources we had gathered to create some tree art.


June 2024

The children in Year 3 and 4 treated us to their own version of the production 'Hairspray'. They really showcased their talent for singing, dancing and acting. Well done Year 3 and 4!


Year 4 Class Assembly

'Remember my name I'm an ANGLO-SAXON!'

March 2024

The children in Year 4 did a fantastic class assembly packed full of songs, drama and dancing! The assembly started off with the 'Anglo-Saxon song' and finished with a collection of lovely pictures, showcasing what Year 4 have been up to this year. The children also wrote and performed a class rap including lines about each individual in our lovely Year 4 class! Well done, Year 4!

World Book Day 2024

 Year 4 had an awesome time on World Book Day. We took part in a World Book Day quiz to test our book knowledge, competed against each other in a Maths World Book Day Mystery challenge and designed our own book cover for our favourite stories. We also enjoyed joining in with the rest of the school at the World Book Day parade where we showed off our costumes and comfy outfits. It was a blast!


Dec 2023 Magic Flute Opera - Huddersfield Town Hall

We had a fantastic time visiting Huddersfield Town Hall to join singers from the Royal Opera house in performing the Magic Flute. The children had enjoyed learning the songs and the story of the Opera in lessons in advance and were impressed with the orchestra and beautiful surroundings of the Town Hall. One of the children was even interviewed for an ITV News segment about the event!

October 2023 - Organ Extravaganza!

Year 4 were thrilled to be invited to Kirklees' Year of Music 'Organ Extravaganza' event at the Huddersfield Town Hall. We began our day with three workshops where we started by meeting a funk band called 'The Flat Moon'. They demonstrated how they played electric guitar, bass guitar, saxophone and drums. They even let the children have a turn! We then moved on to making dance music using a software on the laptops. The children composed some fantastic pieces which they then performed to the rest of the class. Our last workshop of the morning was singing. They took part in learning a song through call and response. Some children then had a go at being the leader, improvising with some phrases where the class then had to repeat them back with the same energy!

Our afternoon was filled with a wonderful performance in the main hall. We listened to some storytelling which featured a very talented gentlemen playing the organ! What a fantastic day!

September 2023 - Ian's Farm Visit

What a treat it was to see all of Ian's farm animals in our own Vicarage grounds! The children adored this visit (and the staff too!). They particularly took to Ian's sheepdog 'Meg', who spent the afternoon receiving endless tummy tickles and playing numerous games of fetch!

September 2023 - Autumn Outdoor Learning Day

What a fantastic and busy day we had on our Outdoor Learning Day! We started off the day with some 'Blindfolded Exploring', where the children blindfolded their partner and lead them to a secret object in the woods. We had to use our senses to work out what the objects were! We then created storyboards made from natural resources, the re-tell the narrative behind 'The HIghwayman' (our class text text for this half term). We finished the day by using recycling items to make our own sculptures. We then turned the playground into our very own Linthwaite Ardron Sculpture Park and invited some guests along to have a look around!


Gymnastics taster session - July 2023

 Our children were treated to a wonderful gymnastics taster session this week. The children thoroughly enjoyed it! 

Sports day - July 2023

The Greatest Show - June 2023

What a performance! Our children did a fantastic job of our Year 3/4 production. Well done everyone!

Rocket day - July 2023

The children had an absolute blast this week when a real life rocket visited school. They made their own mini rockets and set them into flight in the vicarage, alongside witnessing a real life rocket launch on the cricket field! What a blast!

Plants May 2023

Year 3 have been busy bees learning all about plants this half term, including the parts of the plant and their role in fertilisation and pollination! Check out their handy work when dissecting a real life plant!

Bagshaw Museum 2023

Year 3 had a fantastic time participating in an immersive Egyptian themed day at Bagshaw Museum. The children enjoyed various activities throughout the day, including: Egyptian artefact handling, designing and making a cartouche, exploring the Kingdom of Osiris gallery and mummifying an (almost) real body! 

Year 3 Class Assembly

Our Ancient Egyptian themed assembly was all singing all dancing and the children did a fantastic job! Not only did they perform the songs and dances with such confidence, but they also showcased their knowledge of our topic this half term! Well done, Year 3! 

Road Safety Morning March 2023

World Book Day 2023!

Three Little Birds - Year 3 Music!

As part of our music this half term, we are learning to sing 'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley. Here are some pictures of Year 3 enjoying the song a little too much! 


In PE, we have been focusing on invasion games. The children learnt this week that invasion games involve two teams and must include attackers and defenders. This week, we focused on Hockey. The children learnt how to hold a hockey stick correctly, using the top hand to rotate the stick and bottom hand for control. Check out the pictures of them developing their dribbling skills. 



Marvellous Mirrors! 


As part of our 'Light' topic in Science, the children have split into groups to investigate how mirrors work. One half of the class took part in our 'Mirror Maze' activity and the other half enjoyed 'Mirror Messages'. The children found out that smooth, flat and shiny surfaces are the best reflectors of light. They also discovered it was tricky to read their partner's messages through a mirror as the writing appeared backwards! 


Stone Age Comic Strips

The children have had a great time over the last few weeks planning and creating Stone Age comic strips based around the book, 'UG - Boy Genius of the Stone Age'. Here are a few examples of what they produced!

Poppy art inspired by Georgia O'Keefe

Dear Lizard Street Zoo...

Just a small range of our fantastic letters to Lizard Street Zoo, based on last half term's focus text 'Krindlekrax':

Which is the most reflective material?

This week in Science, the children were tasked with designing a new book bag that was reflective enough to keep children safe in gloomy weather and the dark. Before they decided what to make their reflective strips out of, they had to test four different materials to decide which was the most reflective. The materials they tested were: tin foil, DVDs, cardboard and bubble wrap. The children created their own reflection tester using a torch and white card. We all agreed the tin foil and DVDs were the most reflective and cardboard was the least. 


Year 3 have spent the last few weeks reading all about Krindlekrax (the crocodile who lived in the drains of Lizard Street). We started off by writing letters to Lizard Street Zoo from the point of view of Ruskin Splinter, asking for his dad's job back. We then moved on to story writing, where the children internalised our WAGOLL in order to familiarise themselves with the structure and vocabulary that we were aiming for. The children split into groups to learn the text and here is what they produced. Performed with fantastic intonation, expression and confidence! Another job well done Year 3!

Take a look at our prep for learning the text: 


Year 3 Outdoor Learning Day! 

Year 3 had a fantastic time during our Outdoor Learning Day. They took part in several fantastic activities including creating patchwork blankets made from natural resources and making some brilliant naturally resourced tree art. Not only did they create some fantastic work, they worked together as a team to collect their resources and play outdoor games too! Well done, Year 3!


Science Day - Lava Lamps!

It was Science Day on Wednesday this week. Year 4 had a go at making their very own lava lamps. We used oil, water, effervescent tablets and food colouring to make our lamps. We now know that because oil is denser than water, the two liquids will separate and the food colouring drops into the bottom of the bottle and is then pushed up into carbon dioxide bubbles by the tablet which, when released from the open lid, causes the bubbles to travel up and down the liquid!  

Bagshaw Museum!

Another successful trip for our children! Our trip to Bagshaw Museum was all about Ancient Egypt where our children were able to handle artefacts that were 3000 years old! They also became archeologists, finding objects and carefully brushing and identifying them. The children really enjoyed mummifying a body too! Well done, Year 4! Another day full of new experiences and learning!


Year 4 took over our Monday assembly to deliver a very important message: make better choices and recycle to save our planet! The children began by explaining the effects of discarded plastic and the single use of plastic bags. They then read persuasive letter directed to the rest of the children in school (adults of the future) outlining why they should make better choices for our environment. They also showcased their amazing artwork made from recycled materials. We then showed the school a video taking them through a journey of what Year 4 have done so far to help with the plastic pollution crisis! 

Messy maps!

The children used a range of resources to create a 3D messy map in Geography. They were tasked with marking their map with the equator, the Northern and Southern hemispheres, the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The children also had to locate the Polar Regions and represent the climates of certain areas on their map in a creative way! Here are the results:

Invertebrate Hunt!

The children have been learning all about living things and their habitats this half term. Today we learnt that an invertebrate does not have a back bone and found some examples of invertebrates in our very own wildlife area. Once the children had found the invertebrates on their list, they ticked it off and drew a diagram. They even found some of their own examples! Well done, Year 4! Another brilliant afternoon of exploration!

Tolson Museum

 Our children had a very informative trip to our local museum where they were able to experience life as a Victorian child! They experienced the school life of a Victorian and were even taught by a Victorian teacher! Our children were writing on chalkboards, playing with Victorian toys and were able to have a go at guessing the uses for some interesting Victorian artefacts. We then went on to have a go at weaving and explore the different modes of transport on display at the museum!

Do gases have weight? 

We used different fizzy drinks to investigate whether gases have weight. We measured the weight of several different brands of fizzy pop in a plastic cup and recorded their weight. We then shook/swirled the fizzy drink around in the cup for the same amount of time and weighed the drinks again. It turns out that yes, gases do have weight! 

Challenge: Build an Anglo-Saxon house using only outdoor natural resources

The children worked in groups for this task and demonstrated great teamwork!

Water cycle investigation

The children carried out an investigation to demonstrate the process of the water cycle by filling a bag with water (the water source) and sticking it in a sunny spot in our classroom in order for the heat of the sun to heat the water and evaporation to take place. We then waited until the temperature cooled and 'rain' could be seen on the inside of our bags to demonstrate condensation. The water then fell back into the water source.  

Anglo-Saxon village project

Thank you so much to all the children who took the time to enter our 'Anglo-Saxon Village' competition! We have been blown away by your efforts! Check out some of our villages (made from natural and recyclable resources) below:

States of matter investigation

As part of our 'States of Matter' topic in Science, the children have been investigating at what temperature chocolate melts. We used foil to make a bowl for each piece of chocolate. Then, timed how long it took for the piece of chocolate to melt in three different temperatures of water. We found that the boiled water melted the chocolate the quickest and that the warm water took the longest to melt the chocolate. The children even created a bar chart of their results! Well done, year 4!


Year 4's wishes everyone a happy Chinese Lunar New Year!

Year 4 carried out a science experiment to see which environmental condition were the best to grow cress seeds. The pot which had 'sunlight and water' grew the healthiest. The pot which had 'no sunlight and water' grew the tallest but had a pale green colour - it did not look healthy! The pot which had 'sunlight and water' did not grow at all and finally the pot which was in the 'fridge with water' grew a little bit but was very mouldy.


In English, we have been reading 'The Tales of Wisdom and Wonder'. The children have been working on their own poems based on the story. We thought it would be nice to share some of the poems they have written.

We have made all of their poems into a classroom book for everyone to share their fantastic work.


For Geography we have  some of our fantastic art work showing the water cycle!

Children in Need 2021. Have a look at the fun activities we took part in!!!

Remembrance Day and poppy art

 Pumpkin Soup Making

Peeling, chopping, slicing and tasting.

Art - The Highway Man

We have been developing our drawing skills by learning how to add shade, tone and perspective to our sketches.

Our final piece of art was a chalk drawing of the moonlit road the Highway Man travelled on just before he was shot. 

Gymnastics with Miss Dyson

Outdoor Learning - Friday 15th October 2021

Leaf art & practising knots

Whole school pilgrimage - Friday 24th September 2021

After collecting our ebenezer stone outside the school entrance, our annual pilgrimage took us down Causeway Side and towards

Manchester Road. We learned about local mill owner George Mallinson. He built Barbour Row for his workers.

Mrs Travis pointed out the 'witches perches' which were added to the roof of a house. It is thought that witches

would choose to sit on them, instead of going down the chimney and bringing bad luck into the house.

We then ventured past Clough Head school and stopped opposite the Methodist Church. George Mallinson paid for the church to be

built to benefit the community.  We crossed the road and headed up to Black Rock House, which is one of the few remaining buildings behind the Methodist

Church. We learned the story of Florence Lockwood, a local artist and millowners wife. Following a speech given by Emmeline Pankhurst

in Linthwaite, Florence became instrumental in the local suffragette movement. She created a banner for

local events, that is now housed at the Tolsen Museum. Our journey took us back up Causeway Side and via the church graveyard. Florence Lockwood

and her husband are buried there, so we stopped to pay our respects. Reverend Tim ended the pilgrimage with a prayer in the vicarage garden.

We layed our ebenezer stones in a cairn then went back to school for a much needed rest.  


Outdoor Learning - Friday 1st October 2021

Autumn Collage & den building

Science - Exploring electric circuits

Outdoor learning - Friday 17th September 2021

Gardening & den building

English - The  Highway Man 

Our English work has been centred around the famous Alfred Noyes poem, The Highway Man. The children have been

exploring the language used in the poem and learning how to write extended noun phrases. We received a letter

from King George III who was looking for the Highway Man so we helped him by creating wanted posters. When we finally

saw the Highway Man, we promptly wrote a letter to King George III to tell him where the villain could be found.

We hope he pays us our reward.